Highlights from 30 years of ISSRE


On 2019, the 30th edition of the International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2019) took place in Berlin, Germany, October 28-31. The first edition took place in Washington, DC, USA, in 1990.

To celebrate this very important anniversary, we promoted an initiative to identify the ISSRE most influential papers, called "Highlights from 30 years of ISSRE". We looked for ISSRE papers that had a great influence and impact in the community. The goal of the initiative is to remember those papers and their authors, which, in practice, tell a good part of the story of our conference.

To identify the papers, we first published an open call for proposal from the community, where people could suggest one or more papers and their motivations for why they consider them to have been influent for the community. Then, we performed a bibliometric analysis of all ISSRE papers, by dividing the 30 years in 5-years epochs, and by adding more papers uniformly across the epochs. Finally, we interviewed most of the former PC-Chairs of all ISSRE editions to further extend the pool of papers. At the end of this process, we ended up with 26 influential papers.

Software Reliability Analysis


Failure Analysis and Monitoring


Software Testing


Fault Injection and Robustness Testing


Software Aging and Rejuvenation


Celebrating 30 years of ISSRE from ISSREConf